Why Plan?

Planning without action is futile.  Action without planning is fatal.  – Unknown

Planning is a process of choosing among those many options.  If we do not choose to plan, then we choose to have others plan for us.
– Richard I. Winwood

Reality?  Most organizations either have no strategic plan or their plan is outdated.

Results?  Decreased Direction and Decreased Operating Efficiencies.

Call it reactive versus pro-active management (i.e. ‘fire fighting’ mode).
We at Concise call it:

Whac-A-Mole Syndrome

Whatever you call it, you inherently know it needs to improve.

And that is what Strategic Management is all about!

Most organizations’ failure to plan is due to a perceived lack of time!

Good times:  Too busy.
Planning postponed until things slow down.

Tougher times:  Too busy battling for survival.
Planning postponed until things improve.

Avoid the Time Issue Pitfall.
Forget the ‘get ready’ lists in the planning books
because that becomes your excuse to delay.

Our Advise:  Start Your Plan!!!

Starting your plan will help focus your organization on strategic thinking which will lead to awareness of where you need more investigation, thought, and discussions.

Forget developing the PERFECT Plan.   ‘Stuff’ happens!

Strategic plans are NOT static documents that are filed and then only brought out every 3 to 5 years.  To have value, your strategic plan must be developed, implemented, tracked, and then adjusted as needed to the inevitable changes in markets that occur.

Develop a GOOD Plan.
Implement it and then Manage It.

Concise Planning can help!